Tasty Coffee Pairings for Houston Break Rooms

Houston Office Coffee Pairings | Bean-To-Cup | Single-Cup

Tasty Coffee Pairings for Houston Break Rooms

Coffee pairings are a great way to start the workday. That’s why lots of Americans drink coffee with breakfast. But what snacks are perfect pairings with your Houston office coffee service?

To get you started, here are some foods that go best with cups of Joe.

Espresso and Americano

Espresso is best sipped slowly. That’s because it’s highly concentrated. This makes it pair well with fresh bagels. You can’t eat a whole bagel in just one bite. Savor your breakfast by topping your bagel with cream cheese. Or, try fresh veggies. Additionally, the bagel’s salty flavor will complement your espresso.

Do you prefer Americano coffee? If so, enjoy it with dark chocolate or nuts. The bitter and sweet flavors are a delicious combo. Best of all, Houston bean-to-cup brewers. make this easy. They make these and other specialty drinks fresh for each person. Plus, they’re easy to use. Easily find chocolates and nuts in your vending machine.

Houston Micro-Market Services | Vending Machines | Break Room Coffee Pairings

Perfect Coffee Pairings for Lattes

Lattes are creamy. Tempt your tastebuds with a latte and a brownie. The brownie’s sweetness enhances the latte’s rich flavors. Or, pair your latte with an egg and ham sandwich. Don’t be scared to dunk your bread!

Houston single-cup brewers often make lattes. Get one for your breakroom. Then lattes will be readily available. With a Houston micro-market stocked with fresh meals, employees can conveniently purchase their favorite sandwiches. The self-check kiosks make buying a breeze by accepting credit cards and mobile payments.


Love cappuccinos? This bold drink works great with buttery foods. For instance, try your cappuccino with a buttered croissant. Or, pair it with a vanilla cookie. It’s a sweet treat for the afternoon. Therefore, employees have something to look forward to.

Additionally, cappuccinos come with many health benefits. Drinking them can prevent heart problems. They also promote better digestion.

Iced Coffee

Want a refreshing coffee option? Try iced coffee! It’s a great summertime drink. You can pair it with any snack that includes bread. For example, drink iced coffee with a sandwich. Alternatively, enjoy it with toast.

You can easily make iced coffee with a single-cup brewer. Then employees can pick their favorite flavor. Moreover, this brewer ensures drinks are always fresh. Also, iced coffee is available in bottles. It’s a great grab-and-go drink option for your micro-market.

Enhance the flavor of all your coffee drinks with a Houston water filtration service. Water filters remove chemical tastes and odors. Thus, coffee tastes better. It also helps with hydration. This keeps your team healthy.

Barrett Vending Has the Perfect Coffee Pairings

Want to improve your Houston break room? If so, Barrett Vending can help. We carry a wide variety of office coffee solutions. Plus, we offer vending and micro-market services. This allows you to offer your staff more snacks.

Interested in learning more? Contact us today by calling (713) 680-8636. We carry the perfect coffee pairings for your break room!