Brookshire vending machinesBrookshire’s Premiere Vending Machine Provider

If you’re looking to add vending machines to your Brookshire office or facility, call on Barrett Vending. We have a wide range of vending machines, with the latest in convenience features, from Dr Pepper and Coke/Pepsi vending machines, to snack vending machines, to vending machines that supply coffee or food items. We have a large variety of items to choose from to fill your vending equipment, including healthier fare. We’re always looking for better ways to serve our customers. If you’re looking for a unique fringe benefit to provide your people, ask about our unique vending agreements, such as subsidized and free vending.

Office Coffee and Water Filtration Services for Brookshire

If you want to establish a pro-level office coffee service in your Brookshire location, Barrett Vending is the answer. Our office coffee service lets you select from a wide range of brewing equipment, from traditional brewers to single-cup brewers. Furthermore, we have the brands, types and flavors of coffee and teas that people know and love. When you engage our office coffee program, we come back regularly to stock your supply and check on your coffee brewers. We’ll even supply all of your break room needs in the same trip, such as napkins, stir sticks, creamers, plates, utensils and filters.

Water quality not what it should be in your Brookshire location? We can help there too with our water filtration services. These bottleless filters hook easily to your water supply, making better tasting water available at the turn of a faucet.

Brookshire office coffee serviceBrookshire’s Micro Market Provider

Give your Brookshire office something new and exciting with a Micro Market from Barrett Vending. A Micro Market is like a corner store installed in your break room. We work with you to install the displays and coolers in your available space, and then you choose what to fill it all customized to fit your needs. We have a wide range of products, including healthier items. By giving people hundreds of new options, they’ll appreciate being able to try the latest in gluten-free chips, protein-packed dairy items and gourmet salads. Best of all, the store basically runs itself. Self-checkout kiosks allow customers to walk in, grab what they want, scan, pay and go. Furthermore, our software syncs with the checkouts, so we always know what you need replenished before visiting your location.

The latest in vending and the best in service is here at Barrett Vending. Call 713-680-8636 or e-mail today.